Draw Circle With 50 Mile Radius From St Charles Mo

Nuclear Reactor Maps

Nuclear Reactor Location Map

Protect Your Family

To protect the public from a nuclear reactor disaster, the American Thyroid Association recommends that potassium iodide exist made available to every U.S. resident.

Find U.S. Nuclear Reactor Locations By Zip Code

Afterward you enter your zip code yous volition see a circle. This is the Nuclear Regulatory Commission'south proposed 20-mile radius (40 miles bore) Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ) – an expanse where states may elect to distribute but a few tablets of potassium iodide to residents in example of exposure to radioactive iodine. Truly, you'll likely an entire pack of potassium iodide tablets, or more than.
Live across that? The American Thyroid Clan recommends potassium iodide be made available to Anybody else in the land, regardless of your distance from a nuclear reactor.
Why? Radioactive iodine released from the Chernobyl and Fukushima reactors and nuclear bomb testing traveled hundreds of miles from the source, causing over 200,000 cases of thyroid cancer.

Map of U.S. Research Nuclear Reactors

36 non-power nuclear reactors

In that location are 36 non-power nuclear reactors currently operating in the U.Southward. These smaller nuclear reactors, which do not generate power, are in locations such every bit universities and other organizations where research, testing or training is conducted. Research nuclear reactors produce radioisotopes for nuclear medicine, are used to train people in the nuclear sciences and are used as a laboratory tool, every bit a producer of byproduct material or as a source of radiation for experiments. Here is a detailed list of U.S. research reactors.

Chernobyl and radioactive iodine

ChernobylOn Apr 26, 1986, the #4 nuclear reactor at the Russian Chernobyl Nuclear Station exploded during a routine test. The radioactive iodine released from the explosion rose into the air and spread across thousands of square miles in the Ukraine, Belarus and Poland.
Potassium Iodide was distributed in the immediate areas surrounding the Chernobyl Nuclear Station, including the Pripyat region where near of the workers lived. Controlled by the conditions conditions at the time, the radioactive plume touched down again and again in numerous populated areas as far out as 500 km (over 300 miles). Below are facts as extracted from official accounts and regime publications.

Chernobyl: What's been learned, What'southward been ignored

Chernobyl and thyroid cancer

97% of all thyroid cancer cases attributed to radioactive iodine from Chernobyl occurred in people who lived 31-310 miles from the accident site. (Due to the distribution of Potassium Iodide in the areas nearer the blow site including the Pripyat region)

Statistics derived from U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Report NUREG-1633

"Bear witness of a marked excess of thyroid cancer in children exposed to the fallout from the Chernobyl blow has been established. In the nearly affected areas of Belarus, the yearly incidence has risen close to 100 per meg children, which is more than than 100-fold compared to the situation before the accident. It is now mostly accepted that this excess has resulted from exposure to the radioactive iodine released in the accident".

"Most of the children that have developed thyroid cancer were exposed to an estimated dose to the thyroid of less than 300 mGy. There has been an excess thyroid cancer incidence even in areas where the hateful dose to the thyroid in children was estimated at fifty-100 mGy. The increase in incidence has been documented up to 500 km [310 miles] from the blow site. This is understandable in terms of the wide area affected by radioiodine and therefore the big number of children exposed".

"The Chernobyl accident has thus demonstrated that significant doses from radioactive iodine tin occur hundreds of kilometers from the site, beyond emergency planning zones. A sharp stardom in the requirementsouthward for stable iodine prophylaxis based on altitude from the accident site cannot be made".

World Wellness Organization, Geneva,
1999 Guidelines for Iodine Prophylaxis post-obit Nuclear Accidents

"The number of people with thyroid cancer began to increase about five years after the blow. This number continues to rise. Today, over 11,000 cases of childhood thyroid cancer due to Chernobyl take been reported, with the number non expected to acme until 2010. The Earth Health Organization's International Thyroid Projection has establish testify that even relatively low levels of radiations exposure may result in underactive thyroid syndrome, also known as hypothyroidism".

United nations Role for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs- 2000

"Except for thyroid cancer, in that location has been no confirmed increase in the rates of other cancers, including leukemia, among the showtime responders, cleanup workers and military personnel in the contaminated zones post-obit the accident, or the public, that have attributed to releases from the blow"

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission NUREG-1633

"The vast majority of the thyroid cancers were diagnosed amongst those living more than 50 km (31 miles) from the site". U.South. Nuclear Regulatory Commission NUREG-1633

"Stable iodine could also be used as prophylaxis against ingested radioactive iodine from contaminated food. Notwithstanding, considering the risk of exposure from ingestion of iodine remain for a longer fourth dimension, iodine prophylaxis will likewise be required for a longer period of time"

World Health Organization, Geneva,
1999 Guidelines for Iodine Prophylaxis post-obit Nuclear Accident.


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The NRC'due south Consideration of Potassium Iodide in Emergency Planning

(information provided by the U.Due south. Nuclear Regulatory Commission)

  • Eligibility for Obtaining Potassium Iodide
  • Process for Obtaining Potassium Iodide
  • Distribution of Liquid Pediatric KI
  • Regulations and Guidance
  • Current Condition on KI Distribution
  • Role of Reactor Licensees
  • Distribution of KI Within xx-Mile Radius of Nuclear Power Plants

Remarks on the need for potassium iodide made by Commission Chairman Nils Diaz of the Nuclear Regulatory Committee …"use of potassium iodide pills would have significantly reduced the incidence of thyroid cancer [during Chernobyl]".

The Nuclear Regulatory Committee has revised a section of its emergency preparedness regulations. The revised dominion requires that States* with a population within the x-mile emergency planning zone (EPZ) of commercial nuclear power plants consider including potassium iodide every bit a protective mensurate for the general public to supplement sheltering and evacuation in the unlikely consequence of a severe nuclear power plant blow.

The last rule amends 10 CFR fifty.47(b)(10). The NRC published the rule modify in the Federal Register (Volume 66, Number xiii, page 5427) on January 19, 2001. The alter became effective April 19, 2001.

Along with this dominion change, the NRC is providing funding for a supply of potassium iodide for a Land that chooses to incorporate potassium iodide for the general public into their emergency plans. After funding the initial supply of potassium iodide, the Commission may consider extending this program to fund replenishment supplies, merely has made no commitments in this regard.

Potassium iodide is a salt, like to salt. Its chemical symbol is KI. It is routinely added to table salt to arrive "iodized." Potassium iodide, if taken within the appropriate time and at the appropriate dosage, blocks the thyroid gland'southward uptake of radioactive iodine and thus reduces the risk of thyroid cancers and other diseases that might otherwise be acquired by thyroid uptake of radioactive iodine that could be dispersed in a severe reactor accident.

The NRC and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) are the two Federal agencies responsible for evaluating emergency preparedness at and around nuclear power plants. The NRC is responsible for assessing the adequacy of onsite emergency plans developed by the utility, while FEMA is responsible for assessing the adequacy of offsite emergency planning. The NRC relies on FEMA'due south findings in determining that there is reasonable assurance that acceptable protective measures can and will be taken in the result of a radiological emergency.

The Nutrient and Drug Administration (FDA) is the definitive medical say-so in the United states on the use of potassium iodide.

*When used in this Spider web site, State includes Native American governments.

Eligibility for Obtaining Potassium Iodide

This rule applies to States and Tribal governments with nuclear ability plants inside their borders, with populations within the 10-mile EPZ, and local governments designated by States to asking potassium iodide funding.

The Commission believes the final rule, together with the Commission's decision to provide funding for the purchase of a State's supply of potassium iodide, strikes a proper residuum between encouraging (but not requiring) the offsite authorities to have advantage of the benefits of potassium iodide and acknowledging the offsite authorities' role in such matters. By requiring consideration of the apply of potassium iodide, the Committee recognizes the important part of States and local governments in matters of emergency planning.

Process for Obtaining Potassium Iodide

On December twenty, 2001, the NRC sent letters to the 34 States with populations inside the 10-mile EPZ of nuclear reactors. This letter discusses the NRC programme to provide potassium iodide to States and includes, as attachments: the NRC Statement of Consideration in support of the concluding rule; the FDA concluding guidelines on use of potassium iodide; and FEMA guidelines on incorporating potassium iodide into emergency response plans, as well as the NRC disclaimer .

The revised Federal Policy on Use of Potassium Iodide was too provided to the States.

The Office of Public Affairs issued a printing release on 12/twenty/01, to announce the NRC's potassium iodide program.

Distribution of Liquid Pediatric KI

On January 12, 2005, the FDA approved the ThyroShield oral solution of 65mg/mL dose for use in children. On November x, 2005, the NRC, in cooperation with the Section of Health and Human being Services, sent letters to united states of america announcing the availability of 51 million doses of ThyroShield liquid pediatric KI for States with populations within the 10 mile EP

Process for Replenishment of Existing Potassium Iodide Stockpiles

On Oct 26, 2006, the NRC sent messages to the 21 States that take received 130 and/or 65 mg potassium iodide tablets through the NRC's initial KI offering. This letter discusses the NRC'due south conclusion to supervene upon expiring stockpiles of potassium iodide on a one-fourth dimension ground besides as instructions for obtaining replacement KI stockpiles. The letter of the alphabet includes, as attachments, the FDA terminal guidelines on apply of potassium iodide; the NRC Statement of Consideration in support of the concluding rule; the NRC disclaimer; and Staff Requirements – SECY-06-0142 – Options and Recommendations for Replenishing Expired Potassium Iodide (KI).

Shelf Life Extension and Replenishment of Existing Potassium Iodide Stockpiles

NRC received numerous inquiries from States regarding the possibility of extending the shelf-life of the KI tablets in calorie-free of the approval by FDA to the manufacturers for product shelf-life extension. The manufacturer (RECIP) of the 65-mg tablet issued an extension of the product by lot number. The manufacturer (Anbex) of the 130 mg tablets in a correspondence from its legal counsel to the NRC indicated that in that location are no significant differences in the formulation, manufacturing procedure, or packaging materials for the existing lots as compared to electric current lots. The FDA in a letter of the alphabet to NRC stated that "It would be considered to be scientifically sound if the lots having the expiration date extended had no meaning departure in formulation, manufacturing process or packaging materials from current lots. The alphabetic character …to NRC from counsel to Anbex, Inc. dated January 23, 2007 indicates that this is the case." In a alphabetic character to the States, the NRC transmitted the FDA correspondence on shelf-life extension and Commission management to Staff (SRM-COMSECY-07002 ) on total and partial replenishment of KI, and appear the availability of additional pediatric liquid KI.

States that choose to extend their stockpiles must document the lot number(s) of the KI product, the current expiration engagement, and the extended expiration date. This document should be available for review past representatives from DHS/FEMA Radiological Preparedness Program during the routine evaluations of offsite emergency preparedness.

Regulations and Guidance

The NRC final rule on the Consideration of Potassium Iodide in Emergency Plans was published in the Federal Annals on January xix, 2001. This rule became effective April 19, 2001. The FDA final guidance on Potassium Iodide as a Thyroid Blocking Agent in Radiation Emergencies was published in December 2001. The Federal Emergency Management Agency published the revised Federal Policy on the Apply of Potassium Iodide in January 2002.

Current Condition on KI Distribution

Twenty states (Massachusetts, Connecticut, Maryland, Vermont, Delaware, Florida, Alabama, Arizona, New York, New Jersey, North Carolina, Southward Carolina, Pennsylvania, California, Ohio, Virginia, Mississippi, West Virginia, New Hampshire, and Tennessee) take requested and/or received potassium iodide tablets.

Role of Reactor Licensees

The Committee notes that this dominion will introduce another element in the context of emergency planning requirements for which licensees are ultimately responsible. Licensees take the obligation to confirm that offsite government have considered the use of potassium iodide as a supplemental protective action for the full general public. It volition also require the licensees to utilise this information in developing Protective Action Recommendations for offsite agencies.

Distribution of KI Within twenty-Mile Radius of Nuclear Ability Plants

Section 127 of the Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act of 2002 (the Bioterrorism Act) requires Country and local governments through the national KI stockpile to distribute KI tablets to population within 20 miles of a nuclear power plant. The Bioterrorism Act also directed the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) to study the expanded distribution of potassium iodide and report back to the President on the best distribution methods to accomplish such an expanded distribution. The NAS published this study in Jan 2004.

On August 29, 2005, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) published draft guidelines for State, local, and tribal governments, for the expanded distribution, stockpiling, and utilization of KI in the event of a radioactive iodine release from a commercial nuclear ability found incident. On September 2, 2005, HHS issued a correction to add together deadline for receiving public comments. The NRC provided comments to the draft guidelines on Nov 1, 2005.

On July 3, 2007, President Bush delegated his authorization to invoke the waiver provision in Section 127 to his science advisor, Dr. Marbuger, Director of the Role of Science and Technology Policy at the White House. In a January 22, 2008 memo, Dr. Marburger announced his determination to invoke the Section 127(f) waiver. A technical paper on the issue of KI was prepared past the Federal Radiological Protection Coordinating Committee KI Sub-Committee at the asking of Dr. Marburger every bit office of his decision process.



Source: https://www.nukepills.com/nuclear-reactor-maps/

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